AI Tools & NHS Deployments Log
Access a comprehensive list of commercially available Genomic AI tools. If you are considering deploying a tool, you can also find relevant contacts for tools already being deploying in NHS Trusts.
AI Tools & NHS Deployments Log
Access a comprehensive list of commercially available Genomic AI tools. If you are considering deploying a tool, you can also find relevant contacts for tools already being deploying in NHS Trusts.
Artificial Intelligence for Genomic Medicine
Discover insights on AI in Genomic Medicine in this report. Commissioned by the PHG Foundation with background research from Guy’s Hospital, London, this report explores the intersection of AI and genomic medicine, examining the drivers behind the rise of AI techniques, current and emerging applications, limitations, and challenges in fully realising its potential. It offers practical recommendations for policymakers to maximise AI opportunities in genomics while addressing key issues.
GAIN Launch Event
Catch up on our Launch Event to discover more about the NHS Genomic AI Network. We discuss the Network’s mission and how it aligns with NHS goals, as well as providing insights into some of our ongoing projects. The event also highlights how we are engaging Patient and Public Voice partners in our work, and how you can get involved.
Artificial Intelligence in NHS Genomic Medicine Services
This report, commissioned by the Genomic AI NHS Network of Excellence, explores the current uses, opportunities, and barriers to the adoption of AI tools within NHS Genomic Medicine Services. The research was based on surveys and interviews with genomics professionals across England and aims to better understand the landscape of AI in genomics.
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